Solution to LeetCode Median of Two Sorted Arrays problem.
The solution and its proof are non-trivial, so I would refer you to “Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design”, chapter “A Selection Problem” for an in-depth explanation of computing this. The algorithm there gives us a general way to compute the \(k\)’th smallest number given two sorted arrays. The algorithm is quite neat, although this array version unfortunately suffers from indexitis – there are a lot of indices floating around.
public double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int B[]) {
int total_length = A.length + B.length;
int median_index = total_length/2;
double median = (double) kthSmallest(A,B,median_index, 0, A.length, 0, B.length);
if(total_length % 2 == 0 && total_length >= 2){
median = (median + (double) kthSmallest(A,B,median_index-1, 0, A.length, 0, B.length))/2;
return median;
private int kthSmallest(int[] A, int[] B, int k, int aL, int aR, int bL, int bR){
if(aL == aR) return B[bL+k];
if(bL == bR) return A[aL+k];
int midA = (aL+aR)/2;
int midB = (bL+bR)/2;
int lenA = midA - aL;
int lenB = midB - bL;
if(A[midA] <= B[midB]){
if(k <= lenA + lenB)
return kthSmallest(A,B,k,aL,aR,bL,midB);
return kthSmallest(A,B,k-lenA-1,midA+1,aR,bL,bR);
if(k <= lenA + lenB)
return kthSmallest(A,B,k,aL,midA,bL,bR);
return kthSmallest(A,B,k-lenB-1,aL,aR,midB+1,bR);