LeetCode 10 – Regular Expression Matching

Posted on December 22, 2013

Last updated on December 22, 2013

Solution to LeetCode Regular Expression Matching problem.

The solution is separated into a couple of different cases. One case is the pattern .*, another is l* where l is any letter, .l, and ll. Use two pointers – iptr for the input pointer, and rptr, for the regex pointer.

public boolean isMatch(String s, String p) {
  return match(s.toCharArray(), p.toCharArray(), 0, 0);

private boolean match(char[] input, char[] regex, int iptr, int rptr){
  if(rptr >= regex.length && iptr >= input.length) return true; // both exhausted
  if(rptr >= regex.length && iptr < input.length) return false;

  // Next character is a *. Current character is either a '.' or a letter
  if(rptr < regex.length - 1 && regex[rptr+1] == '*'){
    if(iptr >= input.length) return match(input,regex,iptr,rptr+2); // empty string, keep matching

    if(regex[rptr] == '.'){ // it's a dot. Match anything
             // Skip the .* pattern            or select the current letter and stay on .*
      return match(input,regex,iptr,rptr+2) || match(input,regex,iptr+1,rptr);
    else{ // current char must a letter
             // Skip the l* pattern             or if it matches, skip over the letter
      return match(input,regex,iptr,rptr+2) || (regex[rptr] == input[iptr] && match(input,regex,iptr+1,rptr));
  } else if(regex[rptr] == '.'){ // current is '.', but next is a letter
    if(iptr >= input.length) return false; // out of input
    return match(input,regex,iptr+1,rptr+1); // advance both pointers

  } else{ // current and next are characters
    if(iptr >= input.length) return false; // out of input
    // if the characters are equal, go forward
    if(regex[rptr] == input[iptr]) return match(input,regex,iptr+1,rptr+1);

  return false; // nothing matched
Regular Expression Matching
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